Choosing the lettering was easy as pie using the built in fonts
on the Ruby Royale. No need to bring up a computer program
– ALL of the printing on this quilt was designed directly on
the Ruby Royale Embroidery Edit screen. It just doesn’t get
any easier than that. The flexibility in this area is phenomenal.
And when I think of what I used to have to do to get lettering –
well I shudder at that complicated process.
Before I hooped the pocket, I marked the center lines of the
pocket so I could center it in the hoop. Notice the chalk lines are
lining up with the center notches on the hoop.
The label printed onto fabric which is taped to a piece of paper
Then it was easy to use the on-screen tools to center the words
and position them just right.
Embroidered designs can be a bit rough on the underside. Since
I wanted to keep the pocket usable, and therefore soft to the
touch, I applied a lightweight fusible to the underside of the
pocket to cover up the back side of the embroidered message.
As I was working on the lettering for the pocket, I changed my
mind about the tag. I would incorporate the wording as if it
were a tag right into the stitching of the pocket, and let’s not
forget the trademark label that I put into things that I make!
I was going to have to hand stitch the pocket/label elements
to the back of the quilt and I cer