A black fabric
binding completes
the look of the
Curling Rocks
Quilted Runner.
Fabric requirements
You don't need a lot of any of the colors to make
this block.
•• light grey - fat eighth
•• dark grey - fat eighth
•• red piece - 61/2" x 51/2"
•• yellow - piece - 61/2" x 51/2"
•• white/background fabric - 1/2 yard
•• backing fabric - 1/2 yard
•• batting - 20" x 36"
I used jelly roll strips for my fabrics. Finding two
grey fabrics that have contrast between each
other will really help to define the curling stone.
One of my grey fabrics is from the Stonehenge
Mother Earth line and I think it really mimics the
look of the rocks well.
I wasn't convinced until finishing the runner that
adding binding would be necessary. I like to do
quick finishes for projects this size and usually
use the envelop method to stitch runners closed.
Instead the idea of adding the black to look like
the curling sheet convinced me to include this
design element.
Original Curling Rock block
You will need
black - one fat quarter to make 21/2" binding
This is a fun project that doesn't take too long, an
hour a night will get this runner completed in a
Have fun looking through your stash - hurry, hurry HARD! : )
| issue 6