QUILTsocial Issue 6 | Page 25

• Picking up Stitches with Designers ... Visit the Needle Arts Nook, Booth #285 and participate in an exciting variety of needle art sessions led by our talented designers. Join the FUN! Get in early at 9am & enter to win 1 of 2 $1000 shopping sprees! 22&23 2016 international friday 10-7 saturday 10-6 Centre entrance 1 single day tickets (includes 13% HST) 6900 airport road, mississauga, ontario with free parking $16 adult $14 senior 60+ $10 group $4 youth (10-17) 2-day passes (includes 13% HST) $22 adult/senior $5 student (with student ID) creabvfestiva sew. knit. bead. stitch. quilt. scrapbook+ more 1.800.291.2030 1.855.723.1156 II www.creativfestival.ca 25