Q U I LTs o c i a l b l o g g e r s
Jennifer Houlden
Christine Baker
Jennifer runs Quilts by Jen, a
fantastic educational resource
for quilters with many great free
tutorials ranging from how to
choose fabrics, understanding
the value of fabrics, pressing,
building Bargello runs,
pinning, binding, sandwiching,
couching, quilting, and
much more. Check them out!
Christine has been designing
and publishing quilt patterns
for the last 10 years under the
business name Fairfield Road
Designs. Her patterns range
f r o m f u s i bl e a p p l i q u e a nd
piecing to felted wool applique
and punchneedle. You can see
all her patterns on her website.
Sarah loves to play with color
and quilts are her playground!
A self-taught quilter, She's been
designing her own quilts for
almost 20 years. She's inspired
b y h app y f a br ic s , se lv a ge s,
traditional blocks and nature.
She's also a wife, mother, and
elementary school teacher, and
enjoy drinking coffee on my
front porch in northern Ontario.
Gail Berry-Graham
Jackie White
Jean Boyd
Never one to back down from
a challenge it took her 20 years
to finish her first quilt. There
wasn't one big moment that led
to quilting but rather a series of
paths that all ended up in one
place. She learned to quilt and
never looked back. She found a
love for long arming and machine
e mbroide r y, a nd i s a H a nd y
Quilter and PFAFF representative.
Jackie is a quilter who loves
qui lting outside the box
especially when it comes to 3D
and embellishments. Her work
has been published in books and
magazines and she currently
sits on the Board of Directors
for t he C a n ad i a n Q u i lte r s’
A ssociation. W hen she's not
in her studio, she's work ing
a s a Soc i a l Med i a Ma nager.
Jean has been designing and
publishing patterns since 1997.
Her work has been published
in severa l magazines across
North America. Jean holds a
Fiber Arts Certificate in quilting
a nd h a s t aught e x tensive ly
throughout Canada, including
s i x n at ion a l Q u i lt C a n a d a
conferences. She was named
"Canadian Teacher of the Year" in
2003 by the Canadian Quilters
A ssociation and has won
numerous awards for her quilts.
Sarah Vanderburgh
| issue 6