QUILTsocial Issue 5 | Page 57

HeatnBond Feather Lite makes short work of attaching the label/ tag pocket to the back of the Pockets Full of Blessings wall quilt. The applique mat makes sure your iron is protected from any residue. Install a ½" diameter wooden dowel between the folded corner hanging pockets. Create a label for the quilt using your favorite method. I used a permanent marker to sign my Pockets Full o f Blessings wall quilt. I used a zigzag stitch to edge the charm square and then placed strips of HeatnBond Feather Lite on three sides to adhere the quilt label to the bottom of the quilt. The top side remains open. Now the quilt label is also a storage pocket for the tags, once they are removed during the countdown process. Cut a ½" in diameter wooden dowel to fit between the hanging pockets on the back of the wall quilt. Sand the dowel until it's smooth, using fine sandpaper. Slip the dowel into the hanging pockets. Hang the quilt. Fill with the pockets with treats – candy, fun-size chocolate bars, small toys, gift cards, lip balm, hand lotion – whatever you wish. As each day of Advent passes, remove the tag and the treats. Store the tags in the label pocket on the back. I placed my tags in sequential order, but mixing them up creates a bit of an I Spy Game of the daily treat search. This quilt can be adapted for Hanukkah by creating eight pockets, perhaps bordering a themed wall hanging. I hope you enjoyed creating this Pockets Full of Blessings wall quilt. There are many blessings out there, and I wish you the joy of discovering them. Until the next issue, remember to make a mess and create some fun! Photo by ANPTmag It can also be used to help organize a sewing room, office or dorm room. It's all about the pockets. QUILTsocial .com | issue 5 57