How many different triadic schemes are there on the color wheel?
All together the color wheel has 4 different triadic color
schemes. Along with the primary colors, the secondary colors
complete a scheme and the tertiary colors make up the other
two schemes.
What is the most well known triad of colors?
That’s right, the primary colors – red, blue and yellow.
Primary triadic color scheme
The other three triadic schemes are not quite as well known
unless you have studied color.
Secondary colors – green, purple & orange
Tertiary colors – orange/yellow, blue/green & red/violet
Tertiary colors – yellow/green, blue/violet & red/orange
Secondary colors form a triadic color scheme
Have you made quilts with a triadic color scheme?
I’ve actually only made a couple.
One with the secondary colors which uses 6 values of each
color in the twisted log cabin center with great visual effect.
A tertiary combo
And the other with a tertiary color combo. I chose this combo
because it was different and not one that most people would
put together. It uses 4 fabrics each with a varying value. The
turquoise has both a medium and light value. The lines
appear to be floating on the turquoise background making for
interesting dimension within the design.
I’ve never made one with the primary colors which is the
most common triadic scheme – maybe it’s time that I should. I
gathered up some supplies for my next project from one of my
In the following feature, I create another pillow cover using
triangles and the primary triadic color scheme.
The second tertiary combo
Twisted log cabin in secondary colors
A triadic color scheme of tertiary colors
| issue 5