editor's letter
Busy? Yes, always busy. If I had to wait for an hour, an afternoon, a day, during which
I'm not busy in order to quilt, well my dear, I'd never quilt. Needless to say I'd rather
be quilting than mopping the floor, but even the floors have to get mopped, and
dinner has to be prepared as well.
It really is a matter of priorities, but quilting is a priority that affects my heart-health
specifically. Just like watching my cholesterol and sugar intake, I make sure I take
the right amount of 'fiber' every day, by cutting, piecing, sewing seams and quilting.
These aren't done all at once, but a little bit every day eventually leads to a quilt.
Christmas time is particularly busy. The plan is to retreat to my sewing space for an
hour, if that's all I have, and work on my quilt (I have the theme to the Nutcracker
playing in my head as I do this) and hopefully everyone in the house will think I've
gone to bed. Progress can be slow, but it's not a race. I quilt because I love to see
something beautiful evolve every day, until it's ready, which makes the moment of
glory that much more intense.
Happiness is quilting a little every day, until the day I can quilt during the most part
of the day. I think that's called bliss.
I hope you enjoy the quilting ideas and tips in this issue. There are a lot of quilting
and sewing tools to explore and write on your wish list, and many fun projects to
explore and expand on in 2016.
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| issue 5