elements for modern quilt making
Jean Boyd
Modern quilting – what’s it all about? Are
modern quilts really so different from
traditional or art quilts? Everyone has his/her
own definition of modern quilts, but there
are a few techniques and styles that seem
to appear in most of them. Are you ready
to make it modern? Let’s see if we can learn
more about this relatively new genre of
quilting. 5 elements for modern quilt making
to help you with the process.
Modern quilts began to appear on web sites
and blogs just a few years ago. Interest was
high and with the ease of using social media,
modern quilters were able to see what
others with similar interests were creating.
Modern Quilt Guilds were soon formed and
many of them have on-line sites as well. Do
a Google search for a Modern Quilt Guild in
your area and you’ll probably find one!
Many books, magazines and patterns for
modern quilts are now available. Check out
your local bookstore or on-line source and
you’ll find a long list of them.
Here are a few of my favorite books.
Quilting Modern by Gering and Pedersen, Quilting With a Modern Slant by Rachel
May, Lucky Spool’s Essential Guide to Modern Quilt Making by Susanne Woods
and 100 Modern Quilt Blocks by Tula Pink
Let’s look at some general guidelines for
modern quilt making.
“Fiesta” by Jean Boyd
| issue 5