Leaves and pumpkin embroidery
1. Choose Husqvarna Viking® Felted
nature #279 for leaves, pumpkins and
other assorted choices.
Right side of leaves with roving showing through
2. Hoop one layer of felt, then on top of
that layer, add assorted wool roving
pieces spread onto the surface. The
last upper surface layer should be
INSPIRA® Dissolve Away light.
Remember that when you’re embroidery felting, the right side of the felting is
actually being made on the underside
of the hoop, so you really can’t see the
finished pumpkins and leaves until
the felting is complete and the hoop is
removed and you turn the hoop over to
look at it.
Stitched leaves
Also remember that when the embroidery requires the rayon thread and regular
embroidery needle, place the rayon
thread also in the bobbin, because it’s
the bobbin thread that shows up on the
right side of the felted piece.
3. If you choose a larger hoop it’s easy to
felt many of the leaves and pumpkins
together in the same embroidery. Install the needle felting kit according to
manufacturer’s instructions. Embroidery felt all of the components, and
then they will also require embroidering using embroider rayon thread
in the embroidery steps. When these
are completed once again rough
cut around the leaves and pumpkins.
Place them in a water and soft detergent soak. Rinse away stabilizer and
let dry.
Felted pumpkins
Vertical channels serged with chain stitch
Serged channels of yarn
Two pieces serged with yarn
4. Cut around outer edge close to the
outer limits of the leaves and pumpkins. Put aside until you’re ready to
audition all of the embellishments
together. They can be stitched to the
banner or glued using fabric glue.
Specialty serger foot
Serger artistic embellishment
1. Thread the serger for a chain stitch according to suggested manual or built
in settings on the display screen.
Channel quilting lines
2. Use 100% good quality Polyester
thread in the needle and Sulky® Blendable thread 30wt in the looper.
Flat trim foot used for channel quilting as a guide
for rows
3. Cut two pieces of Inspira® Aqua Magic
the same size, basically the length
of the desired waterfall and desired
4. Place them together and mark a vertical starting line about 1” in from the
edge of the stabilizer. Stitch a chain
stitch vertically down the length of
Felt, then roving, then stabilizer
Instruction photos by Cheryl Stranges.
| issue 5