5. When the embroidery is complete, tear away
Flip Flops
the stabilizer, and place Inspira fusible web
An easy way to do flip flops is to take a photo
on the wrong side of the sand. Fuse the sand
of a pair you have. Just to get the shape
piece into position on top of the water piece.
of them and alter as desired. The flip flop
6. The water has been stitched using a free
appliqué fabric is 3 pieces: 1piece for
motion serpentine stitch here and there. And
the lower bottom, 1 piece for the upper
using a 3 hole yarn cording foot, yarn was
bottom, and 1 piece for the strap.
stitched on the upper section of the water.
1. Fuse INSPIRA® Fusible Web to the wrong
Additional white yarn pieces were placed to
side of each piece of fabric and draw out
resemble waves. The strip of fabric with the
the flip flop according to your photofish was placed on top of the background
graph. See fusible web instructions.
water piece and stitched into place.
Remember that with appliqué one of the
flip flops will be a mirror image of the
other one. Unless of course you want two
left feet.
2. Cut all of the pieces out and press all flip
flop pieces to the background piece using
an appliqué pressing sheet. These pieces
can be edge stitched in stages according
to the order you decide to place them in.
3. Decorative stitches are what provide a
very nice finish to your appliqués. And
there are so many to choose from. Use an
appliqué foot for best results with satin
4. Choose an appliqué stitch or satin stitch
that covers edge of appliqué as well as
part of the fabric it’s being stitched to.
5. Use a straight stitch to do raw edge appliqué around any pieces.
TIP It’s always important to use stabilizer
behind all of your decorative stitches.
flipflops for pattern
Exploring fabrics
Rough sketch
Decorative embroidery neatly finishes appliqué edges
Beach Scene
1. Choose a photograph of footprints on a
beach for inspiration. Just to get an idea
of the direction and placement of your
2. Load the embroidery on your embroidery
machine screen. The footprints can be
embroidered on a rectangular piece of
sandy looking fabric first, and the beach
can be cut last. It’s much easier to work
the fabric in this order.
3. Prepare the embroidery hoop with 1 layer
of Inspira® Fast & Easy tear away.
4. Place the sand piece on top of this. Baste
this into position using the baste-in-hoop
function and embroider the footprints
onto the sand.
single footprint
Note: Because the background fabric looks like
water, the sandy beach is simply placed on the
left side or wherever you like. If you’re not sure
how to draw a beach, there are many inspirational photos to guide you.
sands edge
issue 4