QUILTsocial Issue 4 | Page 34

TIP 3 It's also important to stop a ¼″ from each corner to create the perfect mitered corner. By not sewing that ¼″ from the corner it allows some space for the fabric when turning it to the back of the quilt and create a perfect flat mitered corner with no puckers. When attaching the two ends of the binding I also sew them on the bias, trim the excess fabric away and finish sewing the binding strip to the quilt top. Once the binding is attached I then press the binding over with steam to create a nice crisp seam and then turn over to the back and hand stitch in place. A wonderful tool to hold the binding in place while hand sewing are the Wonder Clips from Clover. They look like teeny tiny clothespins and clip over the binding to hold it in place. They come in several sizes and colors. The mitered corner is perfect thanks to all the important tips from above. Stop a quarter inch before the end at each corner - stylet shows edge of fabric and needle is a quarter inch back Attach binding ends with a bias join Press binding over with a steam iron Perfectly mitered corner 34 Q UILTsocial Wonder clips to hold binding in place for hand sewing Photos by Jennifer Houlden. .com ● issue 4