QUILTsocial Issue 4 | Page 23

This machine is for you, and you and you… I know what you're thinking-there's no way one machine is right for everyone and perhaps you're right but this one comes as close as you're going to get to meet the needs of a cross spectrum of sewers and quilters. This is the sewing machine for you when: 1. You're looking to getting your first embroidery machine, on a budget. 2. You want to learn more about sewing machine software but aren't quite ready to jump in with both feet and buy an expensive model you might not use all features. 3. You're in the market for a second sewing machine for the cottage, winter place, traveling to classes. (I know I'm guilty of this – I have a chair on wheels and roll between machines when I'm really in a hurry to get something done!) The Pfaff Creative 1.5 is the machine for you! It's a great second machine which gives you the freedom to do some embroidery or sew, it really is an all in one affordable sewing machine. In case you haven't figured it out, I LOVE this machine. It meets the needs of so many, it has a great introductory price, comes with a boatload of feet, designs, stitches etc. And maybe most important to many of us – EASY to use with PFAFF quality. There's more to love about this machine than the 5 stellar features on a NEW entry level sewing machine. Isn't it pretty? I'm trying to find a name for her right now Do you name you machines? I want to find the right name for this sleek, modern machine who makes me so happy! 4. You're an embroidery fiend and sometimes want two machines going at the same time. The new PFAFF Creative 1.5 Sewing and Embroidery machine. QUILTsocial .com ● issue 4 23