QUILTsocial Fall 2014 Issue | Page 31

Turn the bag inside out Turn the bag inside out and inspect your handiwork. Is the tag in the right direction? How did the matching go at the zipper ends? If you are happy – there is one last step. I like to do a very narrow row of top stitching – very close to the edge of the zipper. Gives it a much crisper look to the zipper. Close the opening in the lining While you could close the opening in the lining by hand, it’s just as easy to use the sewing machine to stitch that opening closed. It’s in the bottom of the pouch after all and will probably never be seen. Cut the Corners! Cut out the spacing for the corners. This will give you a nice flat bottom bag. Mark the pouch top – I cut 1 1⁄4" from each corner. Make sure you are cutting through BOTH the pouch top and lining. I marked with a pencil and used scissors to make the cuts. Make sure you cut from all FOUR corners of the pouch. The side seams are sewn, as well as the top and bottom. Note there is a gap in the lining material so you can turn the bag inside out. The FINISHED Zippered Fabric Pouch Now wasn’t that easy? Get your materials and make your own bag. Remember you can modify the sizes given to whatever size and shape you want. This was so easy to make on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 690Q. I used many of its features. Stitch the corners Bring the cut corners together – reversing the side seams in the opposite direction. Stitch across that seam. I reinforce this seam by stitching it twice. Repeat for all four corners. The Side Seams Lay out the bag with the two outer layers right sides together and the two lining pieces right sides together. Stitch along the four sides (but NOT into the corner cuts). Leave an opening on the bottom of the lining so you can turn the pouch inside out. If you made the personalized labels, insert one into the side seam before you sew them. Carefully line up the center where the zipper is. You want that intersection to be nice and smooth. NOTE: Open the zipper or you will not be able to turn the pouch inside out. This method of inserting a zipper is fool proof and it looks good too! Match up a side seam and the bottom seam at the cut corner. Push the seam allowances in opposite direction and stitch. The customized ribbon tag made on the Husqvarna Viking Opal 690Q. I LOVE that tag! QUILTsocial .com ● fall 2014 31