15. Turn the bag through the lining opening and slip stitch the
opening closed. Press the top of the bag, and top stitch two
lines of stitching along the top to ensure the handles are
very secure.
Match the bag side and bottom seams and pin together. Measure
1 1/2 inches from the corners of the bag lining, and draw a line
straight across. Sew along the line and then cut 1/4 away from the
sewn line. Repeat with the main bag. That's a boxed corner, y'all.
11. Cut handles that are 4 inches x 8 inches. With right sides
together, sew two tubes and turn them right side out. Press
the tube so that the sewn seam is the center. Stitch the tube
ends closed.
12. On the right side of the bag, measure 3 inches from the
edge on both sides of the bag. Mark this and pin the handles
so that the center seam matches the mark.
13. Sew the lining pieces together, leaving a 5 inch gap at the
bottom for turning.
14. With right sides together, sew the lining to the bag top, taking care ensure the bag handles are hanging straight down
inside the bag.
Photos courtesy of Nancy Devine.
16. Give the whole bag a good press.
Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and candy filled
Halloween! z
fall 2014