QUILTsocial Fall 2014 Issue | Page 22

4. Clip curves and turn the shapes through the X. When all the shapes have nice smooth seams, press them well. Use a seam ripper to make a slit in the muslin that backs the moon appliqué. Turn to the right side through this opening. Sewing it together 1. With right sides together, sew the muslin and the owl body fabrics together. Use the same fabric for the face piece. Back the eye and the wing pieces with muslin as well. (Remember to reverse one of wing pieces.) 5. To make the beak and the feet, cut 1 1⁄2 squares from scrap fabrics. Fold in half diagonally and then in half again. All raw edges are on the long side of the triangle. Press each resulting triangle. You'll be folding a gold colored triangle to create a beak. 6. Tack this triangle to the lower portion of the eye piece. Stitch buttons to the eye piece. Stitch the eye/beak piece to the face piece. 7. Use a brown or gold triangle for the owl's feet. Stitch these to the bottom of the owl's body. 8. Fuse the owl tummy piece to the body, just under the chin area. To protect your ironing surface, use an appliqué mat. Do not use the steam function. Over time, steam breaks down the Teflon surface of the mat, and ruins its antistick properties. 9. Using dark brown embroidery floss, outline the tummy piece, the wings and the eyes with a line of running stitches. 2. Trace all the shapes onto the muslin sides. 3. Machine sew aroun