Question 3 Evaluation | Page 8

Prior Audience Research

Inspiration Before

The first thing we had to do as group was come up with an idea for or music video. I starred watching a lot of music videos. I Started watching a lot of different music videos the it hit me when i bumped into 50 cent 9 shots, and then I decided to tell the team my idea and they loved, the idea is based on a honeytrap which means a boy getting set up by falling in love with a girl that lures him to his death. The videos that inspired us to come up with these ideas are music videos such as 50 Cent 9 shots, 21 pilots stressed out, this is because there videos are based on a storyline, thus is why honeytrap also inspired us to come up with these ideas.

​I then spoke to other people including my teachers about the idea which I then got a mixed responses it wasnt the fact that it was a bad idea is just they were thinking of the logistic and if it is realistic to do in a place like Millfield due to the topic being quite an urban topic which is fair enough but I have a good feeling about it because it just feels like the right kind of music video to do. So I came back with my team to discuss a couple issues, how would we be able to turn such an urban topic to match our location and due to how much security issues we ran into last year due to how much security we bumped into late year so we decided collectively what happens if we make the characters from my murder in a different scenario, what I mean is we could make the characters from my murder older by maybe 4 years and are in University/College which can work because Millfield although is a secondary school with a sixth form it has the look of a university campus which then can be suitable for the music video, it sounds like a good idea but more research has to go into it.
