Question 3 Evaluation | Page 5

​I interviewed Daniel Kanayo who is my younger brother he is 16 years old and lives in North London with me I figured he would be a good person to talk to about my idea and what he thinks about it. In the Film My murder Shakilus Townsend was a 15 year old victim who was killed by a gang in South East London So I felt Daniel being 16 I felt that he was a good place to start by talking to him first. Daniel came to the conclusion that he thinks with the narrative of "my murder" and the song "better than yourself" would be a good mix.

"Lukas is Uncomparible he is different from others"

Daniel on Lukas Graham ( december 2016)

What did I learn From This interview

Lukas Graham is a very successful young artist as he top the chart with his hit song "7 years" so hearing that we will be making a music video with his song "Better Than Yourself" with the narrative of the film "MY MURDER" I felt as if I need to establish where the connection from Lukas Graham and the youth and people in the UK really originated so I decided to have a few interviews with some of the people that I know and do very well to try and get more information in how we can connect with people on an emotional and intellectual level just like "7 Years"