Question 3 Evaluation | Page 14


So I decided to go and do some research for this one as it is quite tricky to see what is appealing to an audience that I am trying to socialise with. I decided to go back to basis and just sit down with each person and find out what they would want to see when it comes to the art I needed to find out what is appealing to them so I sat down with some of them and got their opinion on certain album covers, digipaks as well so that I can come to a conclusion to why things are the way they are so it is interesting to see what they tell me. decided to talk to my friend Indi Morland who is originally from Richmond London and I felt she would have an idea on what a digipak should look like as she also does photography at A Level so she would have an idea of what an urban

Indi Morland

Indi Morland: Interview