Question 3 Evaluation | Page 11


Lukas Graham Is a artist that we felt has a lot of potential to expand to a Uk audience. They are all Scandinavian born and raised, however for a strange reason the main person in this group is Lukas Graham who is the gentlemen in the middle of the picture, so without doubt he is the face of the group (and the name of the group) in the ending of the year (2015) Lukas Graham dropped on of the biggest songs of the year 2016 titled 7 years which was played everywhere, it topped the charts in Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and of course The Uk. It also reached the top ten in other countries such as The United States, so as you can imagine when we came to the idea with creating a song by Lukas Graham we know it will be a challenge but we feel as if Graham will be the best artist to try and market to the UK audience. I stated earlier the Music video is based on the honey trap which is based on a small film titled "My Murder" and we feel that the song Better Than Yourself is a the perfect song for it. Lukas Graham success really comes from him marketing himself to the UK market as a UK artist rather than an international artist.