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hi delhi with with kids kids Toilet Museum Toilet Museum The Museum has The a Museum rare collection has a of rare facts, collection of facts, pictures and objects pictures detailing and the objects historic detailing evo- the historic evo- lution of toilets from lution 2500 of toilets BC to from date. 2500 It pro- BC to date. It pro- vides a chronological vides a account chronological of develop- account of develop- ments relating to ments technology, relating toilet to technology, related toilet related social customs, social toilet etiquettes, customs, toilet prevailing etiquettes, prevailing sanitary conditions sanitary and legislative conditions efforts and legislative of efforts of different times. It different has an extensive times. It has display an extensive of display of privies, chamber privies, pots, toilet chamber furniture, pots, bidets toilet furniture, bidets and water closets and in use water from closets 1145 AD in use to from the 1145 AD to the modern times. It modern also has times. a rare It collection also has a of rare collection of beautiful poems beautiful related to poems toilet, their related usage. to toilet, their usage. Adventure Island Adventure Island Adventure Island Adventure in Rohini is Island a bit in of Rohini a jour- is a bit of a jour- ney; however once ney; you’re however there once you're you’re guar- there you're guar- anteed a quality anteed time. There a quality are lots time. to There keep are lots to keep the children amused, the children including amused, various including rides, various rides, a water park, a an water adventure park, village, an adventure and village, and magic, acrobat, dance, magic, and acrobat, stunt dance, shows. and With stunt shows. With many amusement many park amusement rides to decide park on rides to decide on from, it’s best to from, avoid it’s wasting best to a avoid whole wasting day a whole day for this, and you’ll for return this, and happy you’ll by return evening. happy by evening. It’s also easily accessible It’s also easily by the accessible Delhi metro. by the Delhi metro. Cycling around Cycling Lodhi around Gardens Lodhi Gardens During the raj, British During people the raj, named British the people park named the park lady Willingdon lady Gardens, Willingdon after the Gardens, wife of after the wife of the governor general the governor of India. Even general if you of India. are Even if you are not a history or not architecture a history enthusiast, or architecture it's enthusiast, it's well worth visiting well the worth gardens visiting to relax the gardens and to relax and love the fresh love air. Lodhi the fresh Gardens air. Lodhi is one Gardens is one amongst Delhi's amongst most beloved Delhi's parks, most and beloved on parks, and on a pleasant evening a pleasant you will evening see lots you of walk- will see lots of walk- ers, picnickers and ers, joggers picnickers doing and the joggers rounds. doing the rounds. it is also popular it courting is also popular couples, courting and is par- couples, and is par- ticularly busy on ticularly Sundays. busy on Sundays. 5