Queerz Speak Up Queerz Speak Up | Page 28

Genderpoo: creator Coco Riot attacks binary systems that divide individuals in two categories: normal/others

Genderpoo is an ongoing project that has been exhibited in festivals, high schools, universities classrooms, galleries and contemporary art museums in Europe and North America. Using bathroom signs as forms, this project aims to question the public, asking who and how we belong to society standards, and to pay a homage to everyone and each of these identities, communities and people who fight for social justice and anti-oppression values. As long as there will be organizers and social fighters, the project will be growing, happy not to be ever done.

Genderpoo started as a project that wanted to

question the social division of man/woman, using

restrooms as metaphors of the social western binary

system of gender, and it has evolved into a more

ambitious project growing under anti-oppression

values. This project was born out of Coco’s personal

experience in public washrooms, and it grows and

evolves through discussions with different friends

and people living different realities. For now, Coco

has created more than 80 different bathroom signs

and animation films. They are very simple signs that

do not aim to represent the whole complexities of

peoples struggles. This is a never ending project, as

our understanding of oppressions and privileges is a

never-ending process. Communities and experiences

in Genderpoo are not represented as victims; this an

homage to their/our struggle and fight.

Genderpoo has been shown in contemporary art museums, queer events, school washrooms, new york art galleries, outdoors film screenings, friends houses and even more: Centre d’Art Contemporain Parraga (Murcia, Espagne), Gabarron Foundation (New York, USA), Festival Artivistic (Montréal, Canada), Ladyfest Köln (Cologne, Allemagne), Salon du Livre Anarchiste (Montréal, Canada), Entzaubert Festival (Berlin, Allemagne), Göteborg Feminist Film Festival (Göteborg, Suède), Festival itinérant gENERAtECH (Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Galizia, Espagne).

Coco Riot has found Genderpoo

sign sin washrooms and squat

houses in Belgium, art centers

in Halifax, and unknown people

in Barcelona.