Queer As Art issue 2 April-May-June 2017 | Page 25

appeasing the tensions by painting the lgbt community as respectable and acceptable for the rest of the population. They tend to ignore gender nonconforming people and transsexual people, who risk appearing too threatening for the status-quo. Vanguard, an organization founded in 1965, insisted on “peaceful co-existence”. picket lines in front of the White House, 1965. Kay Tobin Lahusen - New York Public Library Manuscripts and Archives Division Meanwhile, the cultural background evolves too. In 1961, the Motion Picture Code allows movies to talk about homosexuality and the same year, the first documentary on homosexuality, The Rejected, airs on TV. In 1962, James Baldwin writes Another Country, a novel set in Greenwich Village and deals with bisexuality of both men and women, interracial couples, extramarital affairs, and it becomes a best-seller. But these attempts stay mild, essentially coming from people of higher social background, and focus mostly on 24 This changes when the decade culminates in the events of Stonewall, on June 29th, 1969. What was a police raid into a gay bar turns into a rebellion from the clients, led by trans women of colour, and leads the way towards a more inclusive and more radical activism. Directly resulting from the riots, the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activists Alliance are formed, the first being more radical and the second more reformist. These two groups help spreading LGBT activism and serve as an anchor for the whole LGBT community. Newspapers become a new way to share ideas, events and LGBT culture - Gay, Come Out!, and Gay Power, gathered between 20,000 and 2 5 , 0 0 0 r e a d e r s . Pe o p l e a r e t h e n encouraged to come out en masse, by the revolutionary article of reporter Leo Laurence, “HOMO REVOLT: DON’T HIDE IT” published in the leftist magazine Berkeley Barb. The Red Butterfly published Carl Wittman’s Gay Manifesto in 1970, where the LGBT activist encourages all gay people to find refuge in San Francisco. Also In 1970, the commemoration of the Stonewall riots, organized by bisexual