Around Queensland
GUIDES HELP GUIDE DOGS Recently , 1st Edmonton Junior Girl Guides sponsored a Guide Dog puppy . This is the second time the girls have decided to sponsor a puppy . The girls raised the money by holding a Halloween bring a friend disco . The girls are pictured with Gill Bolton from Guide Dogs Cairns with the cheque for the Guide Dog puppy sponsorship .
THANKSGIVING DAY 2013 On the last Saturday in May , the churches of Mackay come together to celebrate Thanksgiving Day . Each year , a section of the community is publicly recognised . In 2013 , the youth of Mackay were acknowledged . The youth representatives were Girl Guides , Hannah Schodde , Jaimie Schusser and Emma Stratford ( pictured with Val Hamilton , Golden Friend of Guiding ).
The GEM Award is awarded to an adult member of GGQ who has “ Gone the Extra Mile ”.
Nominate a Guide Leader today by completing a GEM Nomination form ( QF . AW . 05 ) from our website .
Jean Croft
Wulguru District , Flinders Region
Jean joined Wulguru District as a Leader in 2008 and Southern Townsville District in 2010 , and is still working with both Districts . Since gaining her indoor camping qualifications , she has taken girls from her own and other Units to camp and has attended several State and International camps . Jean was LiC of a very successful Region JOTA camp in 2011 .
Jean holds low ropes , flying fox , canoe and kayak qualifications and is always willing to take Units to Bluewater campsite to participate in these activities . Her love of the outdoors has led her to the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme where she is working to become an Adventurous Journey supervisor . She is always prepared to help at any Unit , District or Region activities . With her love of Guiding , Jean is a worthy GEM recipient .
July 2013 Queensland on the Go Page 9