Queensland on the Go July 2013 | Page 17



Girl Guides Queensland Resources : www . guidesqld . org / resource _ library
Girl Guides Australia Resources : www . girlguides . org . au / leaders-andvolunteers / Resources . html
WAGGGS : www . wagggs . org
Becky ’ s Guiding Resource Centre : http :// dragon . sleepdeprived . ca / index . html
Making Friends : www . makingfriends . com
Gaye ’ s Guiding Resources : http :// www . guidingworks . com / resources / index . html
Guiders . co . uk Leader ’ s Support and Resources : www . guiders . co . uk / local _ links . php
The Best of Guiding UK : www . guidinguk . com / ( click on contents on left hand side )
Girl Guides of Canada , British Columbia Council Guider Resources : www . bc-girlguides . org / resources /
The Guide Zone : http :// guidezone . e-guiding . com
Scoutorama : www . scoutorama . com / Netknots : www . netknots . com
The Dump : http :// www . thedump . scoutscan . com / nonfict . html
World Guiding : www . worldguiding . net
International Thinking Day postcard exchange : www . mythinkingday . com
Your response to the first survey on the Learning & Development Review in 2012 was great . This has been invaluable in creating the new Leadership Qualification .
The L & D Review is now entering another key phase — focussing on our Leaders of Adults . Interviews took place with a sample of our Leaders of Adults in April and May , and all Leaders of Adults are encouraged to take part in the electronic survey looking at the role / s of Leaders of Adults , the necessary skills and attributes , challenges and satisfactions .
The Survey will be open from 9 June to 7 July and can be found at https :// ww . research . net / s / YC796LF .
Leaders of Adults , have your say on the next phase of the Learning & Development Project !
Contact the State Training Manager if you have any questions regarding this research .
July 2013 Queensland on the Go Page 17