Queen Size Magazine Sept 2017 Issue Cover Two | Page 7

SELF IMPROVEMENT| COURTNEY K. PENNINGTON 7 Sometimes a great morning starts with a great night. Work on getting a full night of sleep 8-12 hours. It may not always be easy but try by going to sleep earlier than normal in the beginning to get the rest you need. Get in tune with your higher self and raise your vibrations. Try meditation, or reiki. Meditation isn’t always easy especial in this busy, get on your grind kind of world. Strong meditation takes practices so start off with 5-10 minutes in the morning or before bed, adding more time the more confident you become with being Zen. Another great way to get in touch with your higher being is Reiki energy work. Reiki is a non-denominational form of natural healing, do your research, and find a reiki practitioner you connect with and feel comfortable seeing. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a trusty massage therapist whom they recommend. Take time to enjoy life. Find some time to laugh with friends and have a good time each week. They say laughter is the best medicine, and if you’ve ever laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe you also know how great of an ab workout it can be (I think that counts as exercise for the day too *wink wink*). Get in touch with nature. Get some fresh air, lay in the soft grass, take in a scenic view. Slow down to appreciate the beauty of this world. Treat yourself! Take time to pamper yourself and relax. Have a spa day; get a massage, facial, a new hair style or mud wrap treatment. Buy something you have had on your wish list, or treat yourself to a nice dinner. Form a good habit like exercising or stretching every day. Don’t overwhelm yourself, 10 minutes of stretching a day is perfect. Take deep slow breaths through the stretch and hold each one for at least 10 seconds. If you’re not excited by exercising start off with 15 minutes of cardio, walking for 20 minutes, or 25-30 minutes of yoga. You can build slowly and challenge yourself a bit more each week. It takes about 21 days to form habit, so track your progress over three weeks and see how great you’re doing becoming a better you. Set a goal and see it through. Accomplishing a goal can be a confidence boost, and a sure way to implement self-improvement. Think and speak positively. Acknowledge your own beauty, take time each day to look at yourself and tell yourself you’re beautiful. Look in the mirror and say three things that are great about you and at least one thing that makes you a gorgeous amazing being. If you’re “too humble” think of somethings compliments people have given to you. Please take note. The information provided is as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient- physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis or treatment. Please consult your healthcare provider to discuss if these exercises are appropriate for your lifestyle or medical conditions. By: Courtney K. Pennington Reiki Master, LMT, Owner of UaHanSon.com Sources: http://allrecipes.com, http://www.personalcreations.com/blog/self-improvement-tips. WWW.QUEENSIZEMAGAZINE.COM| SEPTEMBER 2017 ISSUE