Queen Size Magazine July 2017 | Página 3

ARTICLE TITLE | BY AUTHOR MAKING QUEEN SIZE MOVES FROM THE EDITOR Tawana Blassingame Founder & Editor in Chief Welcome to the July 2017 issue of Queen Size Magazine. I recall just a couple of months ago we were praying for a break in the weather; a break from the cold and the snow. Now here we are getting ready for summer fun. Kids are graduating and moving up in grades. Oh how I love this time of year. I have been searching the web looking at all of these lovely swimsuits that are being made just for US. Don’t be surprised if you see me on someone’s beach in a nice swimsuit. I’m not sure which would surprise people most, me on a beach or me in a swimsuit; either way watch out. LOL My message to you all is dare to be different! Love who you are and never apologize for it. Dream, but don’t forget to wake up and make those dreams a reality. Every issue I have to give thanks to everyone that continues to support us. We appreciate you more than words can say. We would love to hear your feedback. Email us at queensizemagazine@gmail. com and let us know what you like, don’t like and/or want to see in future issues. We value your opinion. WWW.QUEENSIZEMAGAZINE.COM| JULY 2017 ISSUE 3