Que chevere, 2nd Edition (Student Workbooks) ¡Qué chévere! Level 1B Workbook | Page 82

Nombre: __________________________________________________ Fecha: ___________________ 15   ¿Ya estuvieron allí? You need to find out if the following people have already been to the main attractions in Madrid, Spain. Write questions, using a name or pronoun from the list, the preterite form of the verb estar and a place marked in the map. Follow the model. modelo : ¿Ya estuvo Pedro en la Plaza de Oriente? Pedro Víctor y Nuria tú Paloma Carlos Uds. nosotros Sofía 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________________________________ 212 Unidad 8, Lección B ¡Qué chévere! 1B Workbook © Carnegie Learning, Inc.