Que chevere, 2nd Edition (Student Workbooks) ¡Qué chévere! Level 1B Workbook | Page 8

Nombre: __________________________________________________ Fecha: ___________________ 7   ¿Qué hacen? Combine words from each column to write six complete, logical sentences. Make sure you use the appropriate forms of the verbs. mis amigos yo mi primo tú mi familia y yo los estudiantes cerrar empezar encender preferir querer sentir a estudiar a las siete no poder ir a tu fiesta la puerta del refrigerador escuchar música mirar una película la radio del carro 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________________________________ Cultura 8   Venezuela Read the following statements and decide whether they are cierto (true) or falso (false). Write C or F in the space provided. 1. _______ Venezuela is a mix of European, indigenous, and African cultures. 2. _______ Maracaibo is a small town. 3. _______ In Caracas there are no high-rise buildings. 4. _______ People in the slums of Caracas live in shacks called shabonos. 5. _______ The people with more money prefer to live in the business district. 6. _______ Members of the Yanomami tribe live in communal housing. 7. _______ Many homes in Venezuela have a chinchorro for resting in the patio. 138 Unidad 6, Lección A ¡Qué chévere! 1B Workbook © Carnegie Learning, Inc.