Que chevere, 2nd Edition (Student Workbooks) ¡Qué chévere! Level 1B Workbook | Page 65

Nombre: __________________________________________________ Fecha: ___________________ Gramática A 2 10   ¿Qué oyen? Look at the schedule for Radio Premium. (Notice that the schedule uses the 24-hour clock.) Write complete sentences, using the correct form of the verb oír to indicate what program each person listens to at the given time. modelo : Diego / 17:00 Diego oye La guitarra hoy. 1. el abuelo / 13:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Eva y Diana / 12:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. yo / 14:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. mi hermana / 18:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. mis amigos y yo / 20:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. tú / 10:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Ángel / 1:00 ___________________________________________________________________________ © Carnegie Learning, Inc. ¡Qué chévere! 1B Workbook Unidad 8, Lección A 195