Que chevere, 2nd Edition (Student Workbooks) ¡Qué chévere! Level 1B Workbook | Page 60

Nombre: __________________________________________________ Fecha: ___________________ 5   ¿A quién le compras? Imagine you have a gift certificate for the Universal bookstore. Look at some of the books on sale. Make a list of five books you will buy your family members and friends. Make sure to use the appropriate object pronoun and a followed by a noun to clarify to whom you are referring. modelo : Le compro Silabario Castellano a mi hermanita. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________ 190 Unidad 8, Lección A ¡Qué chévere! 1B Workbook © Carnegie Learning, Inc.