Que chevere, 2nd Edition (Student Workbooks) ¡Qué chévere! Level 1B Workbook | Page 10
Nombre: __________________________________________________ Fecha: ___________________
Vocabulario A 2
11 Categorías
Choose the word in each row that does not belong in the group.
modelo :
pan sopa tenedor mantequilla
1. cuchillo postre tenedor cuchara
2. plato vaso taza pimienta
3. sal cucharita pimienta azúcar
4. sopa agua leche cubiertos
5. estufa mantel servilleta plato
6. arepa sopa pan taza
12 Ocho diferencias
Look at the two illustrations carefully and find the differences. Write the eight objects that
are missing from the second illustration in the spaces provided.
_______________________________ 5.
_______________________________ 6.
_______________________________ 7.
_______________________________ 8.
Unidad 6, Lección A
¡Qué chévere! 1B Workbook
© Carnegie Learning, Inc.