Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 3

Welcome to ¡Qué chévere! Learning a new language is ¡chévere! (cool), and Spanish is a logical choice. By the end of the year you will be able to use Spanish in some basic, real-life situations. Plus, knowing another language will open up lots of doors for you. Spanish by the numbers • Over 6.5 million American students choose to study Spanish. • 350 million people speak Spanish as their first language. • Soon 50 million people living in the United States will be Spanish speakers. • Spanish is the 4 th most commonly spoken language in the world. • In 21 countries Spanish is the official language. It is clear that Spanish is an important world language. Tell a classmate which fact above is the most surprising to you and why, and explain why you signed up to learn Spanish this year. You already know some Spanish! Spanish will be easy for you to learn. It is easy to pronounce and spell, plus you already speak some Spanish. With a classmate, take turns saying, or guessing, what the words below mean. hola bodega chipotle zorro fiesta sombrero hombre guacamole piñata enchilada don Quijote chica pueblo niño adiós amigo patio hacienda Can you organize the words into categories (for example, people, places, celebrations)? Can you add any more words to these categories? Work with your classmate to prepare a graphic organizer. What you will learn In your first year of Spanish, you will learn how to meet and greet other people, go shopping, describe people, say where you are going, and what you’ll do when you get there. You will be able to discuss a range of topics such as your favorite pastimes, your family and friends, celebrations, and vacation plans. You will be able to participate in conversations, present information, and understand essential written and audio texts. It is also important to learn Spanish in terms of the cultures where it is spoken, so you will learn the practices, products, and perspectives of the Spanish-speaking world as you learn the Spanish language. Opening windows You will find that Spanish allows you to speak with more people in the United States; travel successfully to places like Mexico, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, and Spain; become a better student by knowing another language; build your vocabulary in English; and understand the English language better. In the future, you might choose to study abroad, work in a field in which Spanish is needed, or vacation in Spanish-speaking countries. ¡Abre la ventana al mundo! (Open the window to the world!) “Cuando los hombres buscan la diversidad, viajan.” —Wenceslao Fernández Florez (1879–1964) “When people look for diversity, they travel.” (Spanish author) –Alejandro Vargas Bonilla Author of ¡Qué chévere!