Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 245

Todo en contexto Pregunta clave How do ancient civilizations live on in the present? ¡Comunicación! 13 ¿Quién sabe más?  Interpersonal Writing and Speaking In groups of three, review the information on Peru in the Cultura and Lectura informativa sections. On individual cards, write questions in Spanish (one per card) about Peru’s past and present. At the bottom of the card be sure to include the answer in Spanish and in English so whoever reads the question can verify that it is Estrategia answered correctly. Place the cards in a box. Take turns Review and recycle  drawing out questions to ¿Cómo? How? ¿Dónde? Where? ask your group members, ¿Cuál? Which (one)? ¿Por qué? Why? alternating who has the first opportunity to answer ¿Cuáles? Which (ones)? ¿Qué? What? each question. Continue ¿Cuándo? When? ¿Quién? Who? until all the questions have ¿Cuánto? How much? ¿Quiénes? Who? (pl.) been asked and answered, ¿Cuántos/as? How many? keeping track of who answers the most questions To form questions using question words, the verb precedes the subject: correctly. Score one point for ¿Cuándo llegaron los españoles? When did the Spaniards arrive? each correct answer and two Some question words are used in combination with prepositions: points if the question was ¿De dónde eres tú? Where are you from? answered in Spanish. 14 Perú antiguo y moderno Presentational Writing and Speaking You are planning a one-week trip to Peru. You may use the information from the readings in Lección A and/or do online research about other areas of the country. Make a chart like the one below to list all the things you want to see or do while you are there, in order of importance to you. Include different experiences such as food, music, ancient sites, and language. Use your notes to present to the class a brief overview of your upcoming trip. When presenting, try to work from notes rather than reading complete sentences. Talk about each item of interest and its connection to the past and the present. You may also use visuals to illustrate your presentation. MODELO El primer día, voy a visitar la ciudad de Cusco. Quiero ver… Mi viaje a Perú Ciudad/Lugar Quiero visitar/ver Pasado Presente Para decir más el puente antiguo/a típico/a conocer cruzar había participar tenían usaban bridge ancient typical to see (for the first time) to cross there was to participate (they) had (they) used Lección A  |  cuatrocientos noventa y siete 497