Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 239

Pregunta clave How do ancient civilizations live on in the present? Guatemala Perú Mis metas ¿Sabías que . . . ? Lección A  I will be able to: Central and South America were home to great civilizations. You can get a glimpse of them in the remains of ancient cities, tall pyramids, agricultural practices, and in their descendants who populate those areas to this day. talk about the past school year n talk about what I liked, using the preterite of gustar n interview classmates about the school year n describe my favorite Spanish- speaking country n compare and contrast ancient and modern-day Peru n read about and discuss a trip to Machu Picchu n Lección B  I will be able to: talk about summer plans n review compound verb structures: ir a, tener que, tener ganas de, and acabar de n plan a trip to a Spanish- speaking country n describe the ancient Mayan civilizations and their presence in Guatemala today n read about and discuss the mythology and the importance of the Popol Vuh n Who built and lived in this ancient lost city? Consejo práctico Reflect on your Spanish class performance over the past year. What did you do well? How can you improve for next year? What can you do over the summer to maintain or even improve your level of Spanish? Whom do Conchita, Ana, José, and Francisco see when they approach the house? Refrán No te duermas en los laureles. Don’t rest on your laurels. Unidad 10 | cuatrocientos noventa y uno 491