Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 205

42 Comprensión  43 Analiza Skill Building: Interpretive Reading or Listening Presentational Speaking or Writing Interpretive Reading or Listening 1. Do you think this ad would attract more locals or tourists to the mall? Why? 1. ¿Qué es Multicentro? 2. ¿Qué cosas puedes hacer en Multicentro? 2. Why might a store in Panama attract foreign visitors? 3. ¿Qué servicios encuentras en un centro comercial grande? Escritura 44 Mi visita reciente a un centro comercial Presentational Writing When was the last time you went to a mall or other shopping area? Write a real or imaginary account of a trip to the mall. Tell where you went and with whom, what you did, and what you bought. Be sure to describe your purchases in detail, giving colors and why you bought them. If you saw items you did not like, explain why. Tell where you stopped to rest or eat, and what else you did at the shopping center. Be sure to use connecting words for making smooth transitions and for telling the sequence of events. Use a diagram like the one below to organize your ideas before you start writing. Una visita al centro comercial Compras Estrategia Indicating sequence You have already learned to use transition words to make your writing flow smoothly. When writing about past activities or events, transition words indicate the sequence in which actions occurred. Some sequence words you may want to use in your writing include the following: primero (first), luego (later, then), antes de (before), después de (after), finalmente (finally). Para escribir más el puesto (de comida) barato/a caro/a ahorrar descansar gastar pagar (food) stand inexpensive, cheap expensive to save money to rest to spend (money) to pay Lección A  |  cuatrocientos cincuenta y siete 457