Que Chevere, 2nd Ed (Student Editions) Que chevere Level 1B | Page 181

Pregunta clave What can you learn about a country from the products and services it provides? Panamá Ecuador Mis metas ¿Sabías que . . . ? Lección A  I will be able to: Panama has one of the fastest growing economies in Latin America. Most of its revenue comes from fees from the Panama Canal, banking, its duty- free zone, and tourism. Why is this representative product from Ecuador called el sombrero panameño? Consejo práctico Try to discover how you learn language best. Is it by listening, seeing visual cues, or writing things down to look over later? Incorporate those methods into your study plan. What did José find in the briefcase? describe clothing in terms of color and fabric n identify parts of the body n use adjectives as nouns n talk about the past using the preterite tense of -er and -ir verbs n talk about the Panama Canal, and the products and services that Panama provides n talk about shopping for clothing n use the preterite of ir and ser n use affirmative and negative expressions in conversations n read about and discuss a shopping mall in Panama n Refrán Lo barato sale caro. Lección B  I will be able to: talk about buying gifts and accessories n use diminutives to express affection or size n use the preterite of leer, oír, ver, decir, hacer, and tener n discuss the connection between Ecuador’s geography and the products and services it provides n talk about prices and payment practices in a store n use prepositions with their corresponding pronouns n read about and discuss el mercado de Otavalo n You get what you pay for. Unidad 9 | cuatrocientos treinta y tres 433