Quarry Southern Africa May 2019 | Page 36

ENVIRONMENT IN FOCUS CAN TECHNOLOGY HELP MINING QUARRIES WIN THE WAR ON ABSENTEEISM? Dr Doug Potter, director of Predictive Safety South Africa. We have all heard of the ripple effect. The theory that one action causes the continuing and spreading of an event or action. It’s like dropping a pebble in the water and watching the ripples flow far past where the pebble drop occurred. By Dr Doug Potter Roodepoort Crushers — a quarry featured in this month’s Winning feature (page 17). Measuring fatigue levels of employees is critical to occupational health and safety on a quarry. I n absenteeism, we start off with a full team on day one and every GM has a smile on their face as every job is covered. But then comes real life. In real life, family members get cancer, parents get placed in old age homes, and children have accidents, all requiring employees to take time off work beyond their sick days. We ask ourselves, if all mines are expected to run 24/7, how are we supposed to handle absenteeism and make sure the equipment keeps running without working our staff into the ground they are pulling out? 34_QUARRY SA | MAY/JUNE 2019 The first answer would be to over- complement our mining staff with many workers that are multiskilled and cross-trained in other areas of the mine. There is a system that has been piloted in hospitals called Smart Relief, which has been in use for two years now. It is a software program that looks at all the human resources data. When an employee calls in sick or takes off for vacation, the computer looks for employees that have the same job code and sends a list out in order of which employee has the least number of hours at work. This process makes sure we have the freshest employees at work. If the organisation has a skeleton crew and working short-staffed, it then searches for an employee that has most of the skills needed to perform that task and once again double-checked against hours of work. Smart Relief also has a regulation program installed. This will allow one to put in the basic conditions of employment, Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) regulations, hospital regulations, or nuclear regulatory www.quarryonline.co.za