A work scene from Lyttleton Dolomite.
manager/supervisor relationship. This
uncertainty is frequently expressed by a
manager feeling that his or her supervisor
needed training if only to give them the
confidence to manage. This uncertainty
is reciprocated on the quarry floor by
a supervisor expressing frustration by
saying, ‘I can manage, if only he would
let me,’ perhaps with an added comment
that training of some kind would assist.
The feeling on both sides that training is
needed became Aspasa’s starting point for
detailed training analysis.
“A classic training approach should be
adopted which leads to a review of the
role of the supervisor, job analysis, job
description … a parallel line of thought
colloquially known as the ‘availability
method’ reviewed appropriate training
offered by management training houses
and Aspasa.”
At the end of the learning process,
delegates would be able to:
• Instruct members of their workforce in
job requirements
• Communicate effectively with their own
workforce and with other members of
• Know the company procedures and
• Apply company procedures (including
discipline, grievance, induction, and
• Know the company structure
• Know their responsibility under the
Mining Health & Safety Act
• Have an appreciation of employment law
• Have a working knowledge of the
company training systems and of
instruction techniques
• Develop their sense of belonging and
their identity within the company
• See their functions as management jobs.
The paper notes that identification of the
objectives prior to the commencement
of training is of paramount importance
in any field, but is probably more so in
this specialised field as, at the end of
training, there is no objective yardstick
by which the benefits of such training
can be evaluated. “Training can, however,
be validated in terms of the original
course objectives. For example, if upon
reflection it was adjudged that the [fifth,
above] objective was not valid, that is
the knowledge was not required by the
supervisor, measures could be taken to
amend the objective or indeed remove it
from the list.” If the training objectives are
valid, the paper asserts, why worry about
“The 10 objectives outlined above
demonstrate that the training carried out
is a balance of knowledge input (knowing
the company procedures and practices);
skills training (to be able to instruct the
workforce in job requirements); and
experiential personal development with
the aim of establishing positive working
behavioural attitudes both individually
and within the organisation.”
Training available
Prisma Training Solutions is the
primary provider for mine training and
development for Aspasa members. “We
provide a range of training interventions
such as: Technical Training, Compliance/
Mandatory Training, Safety Training,
Career Development Training,” explains
managing director Jacques Farmer. He
adds that one cannot overemphasise
the importance of doing a competency