The life of all tyres can be significantly increased by a regular and consistent maintenance
regime, which includes tyre monitoring.
The Department of Mineral Resources
(DMR) lists 881 quarrying operations
located throughout South Africa. In 2016,
92.2 million tonnes of mined aggregate,
clay, natural sand, dimension stone and
limestone to the value of R9.4-billion was
sold locally, while the value of exports of
quarry products reached USD61.5-million*.
Every day, dozens of short haul dump
trucks amble from the breaking and loading
site to the first crushing site carrying those
millions of tonnes of payload, the rock that
will eventually become the paths, roads and
bridges we all traverse.
If the average resident doesn’t realise
the intense, lengthy process aggregates
like limestone, for example, go through to
become the familiar cement sidewalks, even
more don’t realise the vital role mining tyres
play along the way.
In quarrying, the tyres on all the
equipment is key to ensure that the product
Any big mine or quarry’s sustainability depends to a large extent on
tyres, a fact generally overlooked by most management teams.
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gets mined and transported to the crushers
until the finished product is ready for
industry. Tyres used in quarries are placed
under severe stress, and it is important that
they always perform optimally.
Eight years after Kal Tire was established
in South Africa, and having acquired Tyre
Corporation in 2017, the company now
has more than 1 100 team members who
provide mining tyre maintenance and
supply across 80 South African mine sites.
Every day, hundreds of dump trucks move millions of tonnes of
payload from loading sites and open pits to crushing sites.