Quarry Southern Africa January 2018 | Page 42

People under the influence of drugs and alcohol are generally less productive than when sober .
Increased absenteeism is also a common issue linked to alcoholism , as alcohol not only affects the immune system , but people also usually take ‘ sick days ’ to recover from hangovers . Repeatedly absent staff negatively affects operational efficiency .
Lastly , intoxicated people are more prone to accidents , which could cause damage to company assets . Unnecessary repairs and replacements of damaged equipment can be expensive , and could be avoided if the right procedures and protocols are in place to prevent alcohol-related incidents from occurring .
Drafting a policy around substance abuse in the workplace , or adding one to an existing health and safety policy , is not a complex endeavour . In fact , reputable providers of drug and alcohol testing equipment usually offer services to assist organisations with this process , taking them through the regulations laid out in the OHS Act and working them into the company-specific policy . Even without this assistance , the process is less complicated than many people think .
A typical alcohol and drug policy should state the related clauses from the OHS Act around alcohol and drugs at the workplace . It should also list the company ’ s specific stance towards it , whether that be a zero-tolerance policy or a slightly more lenient one that allows alcohol up to the legal limit . Some companies may choose to allow alcohol under certain circumstances , such as at a work function . However , they should still ensure that the legal driving limit for alcohol is maintained should any staff be required to drive home afterwards .
The policy should also clearly state what testing measures will be put in place , as well as the frequency of testing — be it daily , at random , or only under certain circumstances , such as when an incident occurs . Testing can be done based on suspicion of alcohol consumption , on entry to the premises , following an incident or accident , or even only on entering high-risk areas within the business .
The consequences of positive testing must also be included , outlining what is reasonably expected of both the employee and the employer . Disciplinary action need not be specifically stated ; however , the procedure for disciplinary action should
be advised . For example , if an employee tests positive for alcohol in their system , they may be sent home indefinitely and notified of their disciplinary hearing date with the expectation that they attend the hearing .
It is advised that a business also includes some educational information around the reason for its policy and the potential risk of alcohol and substance abuse at the workplace . Employees who are aware of the risks to themselves and others are less inclined to infringe on policy .
As to the cost and initial capital outlay of purchasing testing equipment ? Well , companies typically recover this within a few months of initiating testing . The reduction in absenteeism and alcohol-related incidents almost immediately brings about a return on investment . It is our experience that very few organisations , and certainly none with more than a handful of employees , do not have someone within their workforce who functions under the influence of alcohol . Usually , these numbers reduce dramatically purely on implementation of a policy , and always on implementation of testing . QSA
Rhys Evans is the managing director at ALCO-Safe , which supplies drug and alcohol testing equipment and accessories throughout Africa .


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