Quarry Southern Africa January 2018 | Page 27

applicable), and what has been done to address these in the interim, as well as how changes and improvements have been tracked and what has been done to ensure that they will not recur. In addition, he checks paperwork for legal appointments, as well as paperwork that relates to training and certification to ensure that all staff are properly prepared for the work they are expected to do, and that all training is provided by suitably qualified people and/or registered organisations. Although the areas covered by the audit are too extensive to list in full, in addition to those mentioned above, van Deventer also checks the quarry’s waste management, spillage procedures, emergency preparedness (including the dates of service or inspection on fire equipment), fire and emergency drills (including checking how often they are run and what was covered by each drill for the preceding 12 months), testing certificates, thermographic reports and a multitude of pre-start, daily, weekly and monthly checklists. Finally, once all the documentation has been checked, van Deventer provides the mine manager with separate scores for the operational and documentation control sections of the audit, as well as the site’s final overall score. A copy of the completed audit document is also provided. The entire process can take upwards of nine hours, and I came away from the experience with a new understanding of – and respect for – both the auditor and the jobs and responsibilities of the mine manager and the various personnel involved in ensuring high health and safety standards are maintained. ■ WINNING As part of the operational audit everything, including first aid kits, is checked.