The second part of the audit involves scrutinising the documentation and questioning the
various health and safety practitioners who work at the operation.
The audit is divided into two sections:
operational control and documentation
control. Since the purpose is to check not
only the processes and procedures that are
in place on paper, but how those processes
and procedures are implemented within
daily operations, the closer a quarry
scores on these two aspects, the better its
implementation is. Therefore, in addition
to striving to achieve the highest score
possible in both sections, a quarry that
is performing well across the board on a
health and safety front should also have
very similar scores for operational control
and documentation control.
The audit starts off with a briefing
between van Deventer and the mine
manager, health and safety representative,
occupational hygienists and any others
present. According to van Deventer, DMR
inspectors and CEOs (for the mine being
audited) also have a standing invitation
The audit
Areas warranting particular focus are those with a high risk of injury, such as machine
guarding for conveyors.