1 & 2: Sufficient exercise and proper nutrition can help to minimise fatigue.
While the technology originated in the US, the
development of PRISM product has been matured in the
South Africa mining industry. Currently, PRISM covers
4 500 mining personnel in some of the largest mining
operations in South Africa, including Kumba Iron Ore-
owned Kolomela iron ore mine. The company projects that
this will expand to over 10 000 mining personnel by the
end of 2018.
Karin Van Huysteen, Occupational Health and Wellness
manager with Kolomela Anglo American, says, “It’s
important to realise that the mindset of ‘It’s never going to
happen to me’ needs to change, and it’s difficult to do that.
But by getting people used to this system, where it actually
predicts that something might happen, it makes them realise
there are silent symptoms that they should look out for.”
PRISM provides a dashboard for supervisors that shows
the fatigue status of their entire workforce. The system
constantly updates the status of each employee. PRISM
even notifies supervisors of the employees who may soon
be entering a more significant state of fatigue. The alert
goes to the individual and/or supervisor through the work
environment’s existing communication system, either as a
text message or via dispatch.
Whether companies choose to implement technology to
assist them in their fatigue management, ultimately the aim
is to ensure that employees are educated regarding the causes
and symptoms of fatigue, as well as the possible effects,
including increased incidence of accidents and injuries.
Noting – and managing – their own fatigue levels need to
become part of not only the employee’s routine, but also the
site’s safety culture. ■
Results after Implementation
of Predictive Safety’s PRISM
monitoring system.
Republic of South Africa (RSA). 2014. Guideline for the compilation of a mandatory code of practice (COP) for risk-based fatigue management at mines.
Government Gazette 38339, 19 December. Pp.32–58.
Theron, W. 2015. Fatigue knowledge—A safety management imperative. Presentation delivered on 12 March at CoalSafe 2015, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Theron, WJ & van Heerden, GMJ. 2011. Fatigue knowledge—a new lever in safety management. The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and
Metallurgy, January, 111:1–10.
Williamson, A & Feyer, A. 2000. Moderate sleep deprivation produces impairments in cognitive and motor performance equivalent to legally prescribed levels of
alcohol intoxication. In Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 57(10):649–655.