Quantico MCCS LIFE OCC-232 Graduation Guide 2019 (November 14-16) | Page 9

BEFORE YOU ARRIVE 9 6 EVENT DESCRIPTIONS Family Social Dinner at The Clubs at Quantico March 12, 5:00 PM While your candidate is wrapping up training, we want to welcome you to Marine Corps Base Quantico with a Dinner Buffet and Social at The Clubs at Quantico & Crossroads Events Center. This is an opportunity to connect with other families and friends as well as meet Officer Candidates School Staff who will be there to answer any questions about Family Day, Graduation, or OCS in general. Officer Candidates will NOT be present for this dinner. First come, first served. View menu and register at eventbrite.com/e/ocs- family-member-and-friends-dinner-social-tickets-97094916509. Commanding Officer’s Motivational Run March 13, 8:00 AM Family Day will begin with the Commanding Officer’s Motivational Run. This two mile formation run includes all graduating candidates and OCS staff. As the candidates move one step closer to becoming Marine Corps Officers, the run serves as a reminder of the importance of building and maintaining the esprit de corps that is the hallmark of our Corps. Liberty Formation on OCS Parade Deck (Liberty Secures) Alpha Company & Delta Company, March 13, 5:30 PM From the time they are released by their Company First Sergeant to the end of their liberty time, you will get to spend time with your candidate. You can eat lunch at one of our facilities, visit the National Museum of the Marine Corps, do some shopping at the Marine Corps Exchange, or just relax and enjoy each other’s company. Please ensure that the candidate is back by their allotted time for the accountability formation. quantico.usmc-mccs.org