Quantico MCCS LIFE OCC-232 Graduation Guide 2019 (November 14-16) | Page 21

WHEN YOU ARRIVE 20 12 Do’s and Don’ts Being on a military base can be like visiting another world and it’s not always easy to pick up on the rules. Just use good judgement and common sense and you’ll do great, but we have some helpful do’s and don’ts that will make you look like a pro: Do’s  Address military personnel by their rank and last name displayed on their uniforms. You can find a list of ranks below or you can ask your new Marine to assist you. When in doubt use the always appropriate “sir” or “ma’am.”  When the National Anthem is played and the flag is displayed, stand, face the flag, remove any hats or head coverings, stop talking, and place your right hand over your heart. Service members, military retirees, and veterans in civilian attire may salute if desired. It is considered courteous for non-American citizens to stand.  Every morning and evening, the flag is raised and lowered and “To the Color” is played. If you’re on base during this time and can hear “To the Color” stand, stop talking, and face the flag. If you’re in your vehicle, pull over and stop if safe.  Refer to Marines as “Marines” not “soldiers”. “Soldier” is sometimes unknowingly used as a general term for military personnel but a Soldier is actually an individual serving in the U.S. Army. Calling a Marine a “soldier” isn’t in any way disrespectful; it’s just calling them the wrong name.  Be courteous and respectful to other families, military personnel, and to the base. Don’ts  Do not approach, call out to, photograph, or attempt to distract candidates still undergoing training or their Sergeant Instructors.  Do not approach candidates, new Marines, or Sergeant Instructors while in formation. As tempting as it may be to run up and hug your loved one or get the perfect close-up picture, please keep an appropriate distance.  Do not walk across the Parade Deck.  Civilians do not need to salute uniformed service members.  Refrain from any jokes or references to violent or threatening activity to an individual, group of individuals or property. All threats will be treated seriously.  Prohibited items include weapons of any type, alcohol, glass bottles, and illegal drugs or paraphernalia. Keep in mind that all bags and personnel property are subject to search by Military Police (MP). USMC RANK STRUCTURE STRUCTURE USMC RANK USMC RANK STRUCTURE - Enlisted - ENLISTED USMC RANK STRUCTURE - Officer - USMC RANK STRUCTURE Officer Officer PRIVATE (E-1) PRIVATE FIRST CLASS (E-2) LANCE CORPORAL (E-3) CORPORAL (E-4) SERGEANT (E-5) STAFF SERGEANT (E-6) FIRST SERGEANT (E-8) MASTER GUNNERY SERGEANT (E-9) SERGEANT MAJOR (E-9) SERGEANT MAJOR OF THE MARINE CORPS (E-9) WARRANT OFFICER (W-1) 2NDLT (O-1) GUNNERY SERGEANT (E-7) MASTER SERGEANT (E-8) 1STLT (0-2) MAJOR GENERAL (O-8) quantico.usmc-mccs.org CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 2 (CWO2) CAPTAIN (O-3) CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 3 (CWO3) MAJOR (O-4) LIEUTENANT GENERAL (O-9) CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 4 (CWO4) LIEUTENANT COLONEL (O-5) CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER 5 (CWO5) INFANTRY WEAPONS OFFICER (GUNNER) (CWO5) COLONEL (O-6) GENERAL (O-10) BRIGADIER GENERAL (O-7) 21