Quantico MCCS LIFE OCC-232 Graduation Guide 2019 (November 14-16) | Page 20

20 WHEN YOU ARRIVE VISITING A WORKING BASE MCB Quantico doesn’t stop for graduation – it keeps going. During your visit, you’ll see other candidates in training, Sergeant Instructors rushing to lead their candidates, Marines coming into work, and families playing in the park. For many of our families, this is their first time visiting a working military base. We understand that it can be a little intimidating with unfamiliar rules and regulations. To help you navigate this unchartered territory, we’ve supplied a list of restricted areas do’s and don’ts. Before you know it, you’ll be wondering what you were so worried about. Restricted Areas We encourage you to explore MCB Quantico and its rich history. Feel free to drive around the base and visit some of the locations we’ve listed in this guide. However, there are a few places you cannot enter for your safety and to not disturb candidates in training. Some of MCB Quantico’s restricted areas are:  Inside barracks, especially those occupied by candidates actively going through training  Obstacle and confidence courses  Past any barricaded area  Past any signs notifying you of hazards or restricted access to an area  On base housing areas and permanent personnel quarters facebook.com/usmcocs