Quantico MCCS LIFE August Magazine | Page 15

Families Ps • s PROTECT WHAT YOU’VE EARNED PWYE Counseling ity 2034 Barnett Ave. LH, Mainside. 703-784-3523 24009 Montezuma Ave, Cox Hall, West Side, 703-432-6442 ® Community Counseling Program (CCP) ™ ™ ® Behavioral Health ych ol o gic a l W elln es The Community Counseling Program utilizes a holistic approach to assist people with overcoming some of life’s most difficult challenges such as marital issues, parent/child relationship, family issues, communication, anger management, school/work issues, adjustment issues, grief, and loss. All commands are welcome to contact the Community Counseling Program (703-432-6442) and request a presentation or workshop on topics such as, but not limited to: Mental Health Awareness, Trauma and Resiliency Training, Suicide Prevention, and more. Consolidated Substance Abuse Counseling Center (CSACC) 2034 Barnett Ave. LH. 703-784-3502 OUR MISSION: To promote operational readiness health and wellness through substance abuse prevention, early intervention, and treatment services for military service members and their families. VAPING RISK: Putting your battle buddies at risk, impacts your health and well-being, impacts your ability to do your job well, not fit for duty, and can be addictive. SYNTHETIC CANNABINOID USE IS PROHIBITED UNDER ARTICLE 92 OF THE UCMJ. Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is an illicit schedule I substance. Products containing CBD, cannabinol derivatives, and those THC-infused are prohibited within the Department of the Defense (DoD) and its civilian employees. The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate vaping oil, resulting in ingredients not labeled on the package. This increases the risk of vaping harmful substances. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY CALL 911 {Per MCO 5300.17} Marines using any drug “with the intent to induce intoxication, excitement, or stupefaction of their own central nervous system, or that of another, is prohibited.” Commanders can pursue punishment under Article 92, even if the Marine has no prior knowledge of the entirety of the vaping oil ingredients. 703.784.3502 & RISK WE E D : 13