Quality New Mexico Newsletter QNM August 2017 Newsletter

August 2017 ISSUE www.qualitynewmexico.org Q N M R Featuring local and na onal guests Sundays 7:00-8:00pm 94.5FM and AM770 News Radio KKOB Podcasts: qualitynewmexico.org/radio SUPPORT QNM! GET EXPOSURE QNM D     B S B S GUEST A N P M ’ E PARTNER N EVENT QNM R S 2018 LEARNING SUMMIT Nancee Whi ngton President Contact: [email protected] (505) 944-2006 R N : Albuquerque Quality Network Quality Jeopardy! August 24 th 7:00-9:00am Albuquerque Marrio 2101 Louisiana Blvd NE 87110 h p://www.aqnetwork.org 2017 Baldrige Fall Conference October 26 th & 27 th Marrio Bu es Resort Tempe AZ h ps://www.baldrigeconference.org Thank You! Since 2003 it’s been my sincere pleasure to be part of QNM’s mission to ‘drive excellence’. My hope is that I was able to contribute to your organiza onal and personal success. My last day at Retha Shiplet QNM will be August 31st. I’m op mis c we will con nue our rela onships in my new ventures. My passion is to inspire and help people see their vision come about and their mission accomplished—because, a er all, that is my ’why’. SAVE THE DATE! 2018 LEARNING SUMMIT APRIL 17-18 ISLETA RESORT ALBUQUERQUE NM QNM’s Path to Performance Excellence – Step 1: Upda ng our Organiza onal Profile As I start my second month on the job as QNM’s CEO, I am struck by how excep onally valuable the Baldrige Excellence Framework™ is, not just to our customers but to us as well. For those we serve to Jeff Weinrach reap the op mum benefits of our services, we must provide them in an “excellent” manner. And, as the CEO Baldrige Core Value of Customer-Focused Excellence reminds us, our customers ul mately determine if we are providing excellent service or not! So, with that in mind, I made a commitment to our Board of Directors that we would vigorously pursue Performance Excellence with the same passion and zeal as those of you who are on a similar journey. We can do no less. So, our journey is underway with one of the first steps being to update our Organiza onal Profile. Who are we? What do we do (and why)? Who do we serve? What do they want/need from us? I like to think of the Organiza onal Profile as containing informa on that comes a er the word “because”. We gather and analyze feedback from our customers this par cular way because. . . We maintain cri cal ins tu onal knowledge this par cular way because. . . We develop, manage, and improve our key work processes this par cular way because. . . As we con nue on our path to performance excellence, we will be looking for your feedback. How well are we serving you? What addi onally can we do to help your organiza on improve its performance? Ul mately, we are all on this journey together, arm and arm, to performance excellence bliss! Thank you for the opportunity to serve! MISSION: Drive Performance Excellence in New Mexico Quality New Mexico [email protected] (505) 944-2006 www.qualitynewmexico.org