Quality and Patient Safety Annual Report 2017 Quality & Safety Annual Report 2017 | Page 34

Lumbar puncture procedural training Paracentesis procedural training PROCEDURAL TRAINING THE ‘UAB WAY’: SKILL ACQUISITION AND MAINTENANCE In an effort to reduce variation in procedural performance and promote patient safety, The Office of Interprofessional Simulation for Innovative Clinical Practice (OIPS) is seeking to work with clinical experts to develop and promote the “UAB Way” for procedural skill acquisition and maintenance. In collaboration with content experts, simulation- based procedural training curricula are in development, based on the Learn-See-Practice-Prove-Do-Maintain procedural skills acquisition framework. Central line insertion training using this curricular model was piloted in 2016 and continued throughout 2017, targeting pre-licensure and practicing physician and advanced practice provider learners. Comprehensive Vascular Access Team (CVAT) training for device insertion, including ultrasound-guided peripheral catheters, external jugular venous catheters, and peripherally inserted central catheters (PICC), was piloted in early 2017 and continues to evolve. Additional collaborations are in progress with vascular surgery, perfusion, nursing, anesthesia, orthopaedic surgery, and oral/maxillofacial surgery, with the goal of developing standardized procedural skill acquisition and maintenance curricula for both novice and advanced practitioners. 32 UAB Quality and Safety Annual Report LEARN SEE PRACTICE Procedural skills acquisition framework PROVE DO MAINTAIN