Quail Hollow Middle School Brochure Brochure 2016-2017 | Page 17
Quail Hollow exceeded expected growth on EOGs and
NC Final Exams during the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016
school years. The range for meeting growth is between
-2.0 to 2.0. QHMS scored at 6.14!
Our school report card grade increased from a D to a C
during the 2015-2016 school year!
Our school letter grade improved from a D to a C in
Language Arts during the 2014-2015 school year - Our
school was 4th in the district for 6th grade reading growth!!
Quail Hollow has had an 85% reduction in discipline
referrals since the 2011 school year and we have
In our NEW 7th Grade Math 1 class, 100% of the
reduced our out of school suspensions rate by 91% students
scored a Level 4 or Level 5 on the End Of
since the 2011 school year.
Course exam.
100% of students enrolled in Math 1/2 passed the
Math 1 EOC.